At the very bottom of my page, some people will see
advertising for some things when they get to the very bottom. They are in white squares. These are not authorized
by me, and I do NOT recommend a cattery named Kotickee. There may be others on there ocassionally, that I would recommend
as I have no control over this function, and if you want to know my recommendations pease write me at I do not need you to buy any cat/kitten from me, but I do want you to get a cat/kitten from a very reputable Breeder,
and I recommend many different catteries that may be closer to you than I am, or if I do not have kittens I will give you
a list of catteries that I know people have gotten Devons from that are well satisfied. Thank you for your attention
to this, Sheila
Wonderful sites to see and wonderful Cats to look at!!
Also wonderful help when needed This
first one Operation Noble Foster is for Service men and women who need temporary homes for their pets if called to service!!
